Quantotto Predictive Surveillance Platform

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One of the core parts of Scenario Flows is delivered by Classifiers that detect various objects, frame categories, states, object tracks and more.

Configure -> Classifiers UI screen allows you creating and managing Classifier objects.

Left pane will show tree view of currently configured classifier. New classifiers are created based on available built-in or custom Detector Plugins.

You’ll notice that we distinguish between two major types of classifier: Generic and Trained. Generic classifiers can be activated right after creation. Trained classifiers will produce no effect until they are trained on user provided data.

Creating Generic Classifier

Click on “Create new generic classifier” link in the bottom and two tabs will be displayed:

Click “Save Changes” and new Classifier will be created and displayed in the tree view. At this point, you can add it to Scenario Flows.

Doc TODO: example creating noise classifier

Creating Trained Classifier

Click on “Create new trained classifier” link in the bottom and three tabs will be displayed:

Click “Save Changes” and new Classifier will be created and displayed in the tree view. At this point, you can add it to Scenario Flows (even if it was not yet trained).

To train Classifier:

UI will show upload progress and, once done, File Size of uploaded training data.

Training Scheduler will pick up Classifier training at the configured day and time. You can force immediate training by right-clicking on Classifier tree node and selecting “Run training now” from the context menu.

Once training is complete, Classifiers nodes configured in Scenario Flows and linked to this classifier will begin their detection.

Training Data

It is important to submit training data adhering well defined structure. Here are the requirements: