Quantotto Predictive Surveillance Platform

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Recognized Subjects

When you compose Scenario Flow with “face recognition” classifier/s as part of it, you will ba able to review recognition results on Recognized Subjects UI page.This is in addition to any log / alert created or any other action taken as part of processing Scenario Flow.

You should set search criteria to locate and review recognitions. Additionally, Video Clip can be generated showing the appearances of recognized subject in certain timeframe across one or more capture devices.

Fill in the following to start Recognized Subjects search:

If results were found, they will be displayed in paged table showing device URI and timestamps. In case of non-empty results set, “Generate Video” button will light up.

Click on “Generate Video to create video sequence of found results. Media clip will start playing automatically. “Download” link will appear under the player allowing you to download video in MP4 format for offline playback and/or sharing.