Quantotto Predictive Surveillance Platform

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Distributred Server Pre-requisites

Please make sure you have the following set up and configured before proceeeding with Quantotto deployment on Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes Cluster should be up and running. Minimal Hardware requirements:

Hardware requirements will change as you add more devices, configure more scenarios, retain more data.

Storage Configuration

Kubernetes Cluster should have storage / Persistent Volumes provisioned prior to Server deployment.

To help you better prepare, here we list all the Persistent Volume Claims that Quantotto deployment will be creating.
Size and storage class can be further adjusted during Configure and Deploy step.

Volume Name Access Mode Size Purpose
mongodb ReadWriteOnce 256 Gi Frames data storage
influxdb ReadWriteOnce 32 Gi Frames metadata and events data
qdb ReadWriteOnce 16 Gi Management DB
openldap ReadWriteOnce 4 Gi Internal LDAP server
neo4j ReadWriteOnce 4 Gi Neo4j Graph Data for Scenario Flows
redis ReadWriteOnce 4 Gi Redis state management for Frame Pipeline
training ReadWriteOnce 64 Gi Storage for models training data
packages ReadWriteOnce 4 Gi Storage for custom Quantotto plugins
faces-archive ReadWriteOnce 16 Gi Recognized faced archive
ftp ReadWriteOnce 4 Gi FTP video / frames uploading

Deployment Workstation

For secrets encryption: