Quantotto Predictive Surveillance Platform

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SaaS Deployment

When you choose to go with SaaS Deployment, Quantotto will provide server side deployment. You will need to sign up for Cloud Account and you are also responsible for setting up Environment-side components of the system.

Cloud Account

To sign up for cloud account, please visit https://cloud.quantotto.io/new_account

Here is the process you will go throughto set-up your account:

NOTE: while waiting for provisioning to complete, you can proceed with setting up Environment Side components

License will be already configured for you (for more information about licensing, you can review the Quantotto Licensing section of Admin guide). At this point, if all information is correct, you can go ahead with logging into your account and start managing your Enivornment Monitoring. In order for monitoring to actually begin, you need to deploy Environment side components (some are optional):

Please proceed to Setting up Environment Side for steps to deploy Environment Side components.

After Environment side components are all set, please review Admin Guide to start managing your Environment Monitoring.