Quantotto Predictive Surveillance Platform

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Creating Customer

Video guide for this section

Quantotto is designed with multi-tenancy in mind. Standalone server deployment is a scaled-down to one customer version of the product.
With that said, the notion of customer still exists and you have to create one before deploying agents.

To create a new customer, run:

  qtoserver customer create

and respond to the displayed prompts. The following details will be required (can be provided as part of command line):

  --customer-id TEXT        New customer ID  [required]
  --customer-name TEXT      New customer name  [required]
  --admin-email TEXT        Email address of admin user  [required]
  --admin-login TEXT        Login of admin user  [required]
  --admin-first-name TEXT   First name of admin user  [required]
  --admin-middle-name TEXT  Middle name of admin user  [optional; default: ""]
  --admin-last-name TEXT    Last name of admin user  [required]
  --admin-password TEXT     Admin user password  [required
  --superadmin-secret TEXT  Super admin secret  [required]

When all questions are answered, Quantotto will:

At this point, you should be able to login into Quantotto Management Console using customer’s admin user credentials (login and password).